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Bowl Within Your Skill Range

By:, Originally Posted: 12/14/16; Updated: 12/16/2021

When you are trying to get your game back to your standard of performance, bowl within your skill range.

With all of the tips and technical data about bowling balls available today, it is easy to get “information overload.”

Having too many conscious thoughts running through your mind while you are trying to concentrate on bowling in competition, you risk sub-standard performances.

Since no one has the capability of mastering all facets of the game,, it becomes very important you trust doing the things you know and have worked well in the past.

Most successful amateur and professional players have one or two outstanding features to their games.

If you take time to reflect on a couple of areas of your physical and mental game strategies which lead you to good performances, rely on these abilities without trying to more more than you have practiced and have made effective parts of your game.

In other works, stick to what you know and avoid thinking about every movement you make during your approach.

In competition, it is tough enough playing the oil patterns and adjusting as lane conditions change to also strap yourself with too many physical game adjustments and becoming overly methodical or mechanical.

Why add complicated thoughts when you are bowling in competition. Instead, trust your game, read the lanes, and use your bowling ball matching equipment to give yourself the chance to succeed.

Rely on the simple things you do well and save experimentation on your game for the practice lanes.

Bowl within your skill range and trust your decisions during competition.

Another factor to consider is to relax and rid your body of as much tension and anxiety as possible when you bowl in leagues or in tournaments. Avoid forsaking your pre-shot routine and focus totaling on your mental and physical game strategies. Good performances begin with a reliable pre-shot routine so you are ready to make consistent shots when needed the most.


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