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Bowl Your Game

By:, Originally Posted: 6/12/17; Updated: 3/14/2022

The trick or secret for success when competing is to bowl your game.

Since you can do nothing about how your opponent is bowling, you merely need to adopt a strategy of focusing only on what you are doing.

Place emphasis on making quality shots, and try to record as high of a score as you can.

If you bowl in a league, as example, where match points are awarded for winning individual matches as well as for team winning games, you must learn to focus on your game alone and not on what your opponent is doing.

If you think only about your own game, it reduces the tension sometimes created by being involved in a close match.

You cannot control what your opponent does nor can an opponent control anything you do.

Manage your own game one shot at a time and one frame at a time. Concentrate on spares as much or more than hitting the pocket when trying to strike.

If you must, take a quick glance at the scoring monitor when you enter the final frame or frames so you know where you (and your team) stand in a given match.

If you find doing so increases tension and reduces your effectiveness, never watch the scoring monitor.

Instead, focus on your game and on making as many quality shots as possible.

Avoid becoming distracted if your opponent is bowling a very high game and you notice you cannot win the given match. Learn to try just as much on each and every shot you make whether you are winning or not.

The habits you develop in trying your best every time you step onto the approach will follow you into competition.

Never give up. Bowl your best at all times. Think only of how you will deliver your next shot and then quickly update your thinking to the next shot, and so on. Stay in the moment regardless of how anxious or tense you might become during competition. Chances are your opponent is just as anxious as yourself. Next time you compete, pay attention to what you do best and make it happen. Bowl your game.


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