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How Can I Become A Tough Bowler?, Originally Posted: 1/26/2015; Updated: 7/9/2022

If you are asking how can I become a tough bowler, then follow a few tips to develop grit.

Improvement in your bowling is a process.

The longer you remain with your process, the tougher you get.

Treasure each shot - being a tough bowler is not about concentrating only on “important shots, it is also about staying present for every shot.

Each shot is your opportunity to observe and learn.

Rate yourself on whether you were really there in the moment, fully focused. This rating will reveal more than your actual game score.

Control the chatter - you might think you are being tough by berating yourself for poor play, but it is anything but being tough.

Be realistic, not critical of yourself.

Make note of went well as well as acknowledging mistakes but do not wallow in praise or blame.

Move on and review your performances after each session on the lanes.

Use a mentor- improving your game as well as your character on the lanes is easier when using a mentor.

Your coach (mentor) will help you organize your playing and training plans and review your progress.

Set a goal - with your coach, establish a realistic long range goal. Raising your average by 15 pins or winning your league championship are good goals. Being consistent and understanding keys to your game are other worthwhile goals.

Break your goal into smaller goals - Make sure you practice at least one thing you have time to do. If improvement in converting spares is one area you wish to address, start there.

Pick spare shooting drills to practice and bring the positive results with you when bowling in competition.

Develop a plan - when will you practice and will your coach be present or will you bowl alone?

Set a goal for each session and record your results. Challenge yourself to continue practicing until you make a series of quality shots or until you pick up ten consecutive spares, as examples.

Establish a pre-shot routine and identify what that entails. Make certain you do it every shot.

Assess your bowling habits - in practice or in competition, what are your chief hurdles you must work to overcome? Avoid switching goals in the middle of practice drills.

Make sure to practice what you are good at in addition to areas of your game in need of improvement.

Becoming a tough bowler is about reprogramming your brain and establishing training and competitive routines.

If you ask how can I become a tough bowler, engage in the process which includes these seven simple focal points described above.

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