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How Do I Clean My Bowling Ball?, Originally Posted: 7/17/15; Updated: 3/19/21

 This article is targeted at beginning bowlers or ones who have just purchased their first new bowling ball. Anyone can use the information provided here, however.

The easiest but likely the more costly procedure is to bring your bowling ball to your pro shop after ten to twenty games of use and ask for the surface to be cleaned and rid of dirt, lane oil conditioner, or smudges.

After thirty to forty games of use, bring your ball back to the pro shop and request a cleaning and a restoration of the surface texture matching when the ball was new and unused.

After sixty to eighty games of use, bring your ball to the pro shop and request a resurfacing procedure to remove nicks and scratches from the surface of the ball and then restore the right surface texture as when the ball was new.

Repeat this process again and again so you give yourself a chance at preserving the surface and reaction capability of your bowling ball.

Make no mistake - you should clean and texture your bowling ball surface at regular intervals to preserve the life of the bowling ball.

Today, more than ever, the modern coverstocks require maintenance to provide consistent reactivity and performance.

You can purchase cleaning and polish products at your local pro shop to do some of the work yourself.

It is a good idea to clean the ball surface after each session of bowling so the ball is ready when you bowl next.

Use a hand towel and a liquid ball cleaning substance to clean your ball by applying hand pressure around the entire surface of your ball.

It is also recommended to carry and use grit pads with varying textures to apply to the ball after you clean the surface. You can restore the texture needed to gain the ball reaction you seek by using grit pads you can easily store with your ball cleaner and towel in your bowling bag. You may also utilize a bowling ball rejuvenator, like the Pyramid Phoenix Personal Ball Revivor, to help restore your bowling balls. 

Most of you will not get to the pro shop after each time you bowl so it makes sense to own grit pads and cleaning agents so you can care for the surfaces of your bowling balls between pro shop visits.

By cleaning and texturing your ball surface following your sessions on the lanes, not only will your ball be ready for use next time you bowl but you also avoid making trips to the pro shop until it is time to resurface your ball.

Caring for your bowling ball is a positive habit to develop. Preserve the life of your equipment and clean and texture your bowling ball surface routinely.
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