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How Do I Shake Off A Lousy Bowling Start?

No bowler since the beginning of time has started off every game without getting into some trouble. If you are asking how do I shake off a lousy bowling start, it is important to know that you are not alone.

It is also extremely important, however, to realize you can overcome a lousy start and finish strong if you learn to rely on basics of your game and trust your strengths.

One key is to avoid panic at all costs.

Tension and panic only serve to prolong making poor shots and can cause you to lose composure when you need it most.

Remember, your league competition is 36 frames long, not 12 frames as is only one game.

Before you start you know you will have strikes, spares, and perhaps an open frame or two along the way in your series scoring but you would not know when those bad frames will occur.

Avoid placing all your emphasis on the first game or the first part of the first game but rather think long term.

Also, bowlers tend to react to score instead of how many quality shots they make per series of games.

Settle into a rhythm and take each frame as it comes.

No fear, no panic.

If you rely on your physical game strengths, focus on good tempo, making accurate shots, and making clear and sharp decisions on playing the lanes, you give yourself the best chances at success.

Avoid thinking that you must begin each game fast, with a lot of strikes, in order to end up with good game and series scores.

If you ask how do I shake off a lousy bowling start, you can answer that by being patient and not forcing the action.

Remain steady in your concentration and make one good shot at a time to reduce levels of tension and to place yourself in the best frame of mind to overcome a poor start to your sessions on the lanes.

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