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Is Hitting Your Bowling Spot Enough?

Publish Date: 10/4/15

Is hitting your bowling spot enough? If you asking this question, then it might be useful for us to review a few points which are involved in hitting your spot and achieving a good ball reaction.

When you need a strike in a key pressure situation, as an advanced and highly skilled player you are aware of committing fully to your bowling target.

Releasing your bowling ball over your sighting target on the lane is simply one part of the process in gaining the right ball reaction at the right time in the mid-lane and at the breakpoint.

Here are other factors which ideally need to be accomplished in addition to hitting your spot on the lane for a reliable ball reaction:

*Ball delivery path angle toward the spot on the lane
*Consistent ball speed in the right speed range for the given lane condition
*Consistent bowling ball axis of rotation and tilt (release)
*Appropriate coverstock surface texture to control your ball skid distance in the front end
*Ball construction or symmetry
*Consistent loft distance control
*Drilling Layout

These are keys to accompany releasing your ball properly over your sighting target in order to give you the best chance at hitting the pocket repeatedly.

In competition, it is possible the pressures of trying to perform to a winning level that we sacrifice the big picture which is important in hitting the pocket and giving yourself the chances at strikes and scoring success.

This big picture concept simply means that forcing your shot over your spot on the lane is not enough to gain a consistent ball reaction.

The above listed factors are also integral parts of the notion you made a “good shot.”

Your goal as a top tier player is to hit the pocket under pressure and strike.

It is not always possible to bowl on very easy or soft lane conditions as some competitions will use very challenging oil patterns and the “good shot” suddenly becomes more complicated because it involves these multiple factors to control skid distance, direction through your target area, and getting the right ball reaction at the breakpoint to the pocket.

Sometimes we cannot find the necessary time to practice and sharpen your skills sufficiently to bowl at your best performance level.

In this case, if you can focus on just one or two additional factors from the above list in addition to hitting your spot such as ball speed control and avoid using too much hand in the ball forcing your delivery, you stand a fighting chance at getting a good ball reaction.

Keeping it simple under the gun is important but being aware of what constitutes a good shot and a reliable ball reaction are also vital to decision making during competition.

Consult your instructor or your bowling mentor when you lose feel but when you know you must prepare for an important competition. Zoom in on one or more of these simple factors which you know can help you improve the frequency of making good shots.

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