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Practice Tips For Bowling Accuracy

By:, Originally Posted: 2/21/16; Updated: 4/8/2022

If you are averaging between 140 and 175 and want practice tips for bowling accuracy, there are three important factors to work on.

The walking path you make from any positioning on the approach, your intended bowling ball forward swing path, and your release and follow through motion are the key three to develop improved ball control.

Practice means bowling when scores do not count. Bowling when you can focus on these three areas of your game and not worry about results for competition purposes is extremely important.

First, your walking path from your stance alignment on the approach to where you complete your final slide step near the foul line should be dependable and repeat each shot you make.

Know which board at the line where you intend to slide corresponding to your slide foot positioning on the approach at stance.

If you like to walk a straight line, then deliver a shot and look down at your slide step and check if you are on the same board as where your slide foot began.

If you can walk a straight line path 8 or 10 consecutive shots with only a one board variance the two shots you did not walk straight, then you are in good shape with your walking lines.

One twist, however. You must be able to walk your line regardless of where you align on the approach for strikes or spares.

If you have a known drift amount with your walking path right or left of your starting position, then make sure you drift the same number of boards each shot no matter where you align yourself on the approach.

Next, your forward swing path. If your walk lines are correct, you must also swing your bowling ball along an intended path based on where your sight target is located on the lane and based on how much you hook your bowling ball.

If your forward swing path (the path your ball takes swinging from the top of your backswing to just after your ball is released from your hand) does not match with your steps, then you may actually hit your spot but at an incorrect delivery angle and end up missing the pocket or your spare or miss your target altogether.

A simple technique is to swing your bowling ball toward your target and keep your forward swing close to your upper body as the ball nears and passes through the release zone at the bottom of your forward swing arc.

Finally, your follow through motion should not decelerate but rather gradually pick up speed throughout the forward swing cycle and complete in a full follow through position.

The follow through height checkpoint is from the bottom of your bowling elbow arriving about shoulder level with your bowling hand following the ball toward your sight target.

These three key areas of the game are important to practice so you can trust them when bowling in your league or in a tournament.

Accuracy is developed from good footwork technique, from a well aligned forward swing, and from your follow through (the completion of your swing cycle) motion aligned to your sight target.

Follow these practice tips for bowling accuracy and watch your scores improve in time.

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