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Set Up For Bowling Success, Originally Posted: 12/4/2014; Updated: 8/6/2022

If you want to improve your game, start at the beginning. Set-Up For Bowling Success.

Everything we do in daily life usually begins with a set up routine. If you want to drive your car, you must first start the engine.

If you want to want to clean clothes, you must first start the washing machine.

If you want to hit a baseball during a game, you must first step into the batters box and take your position at the plate.

If you want to drive a golf ball, you must first address the ball with a solid stance position.

You got the idea.

The same holds true in bowling. To make consistently effective approaches which leads to good shotmaking, you must first learn to set up on the approach with good posture and balance.

Here are a few tips for setting up to make an approach:

Place your bowling shoes together, or perhaps with only one board of space between each shoe. Place the toes of your shoes pointing toward the bowling pins “pocket” down the lane.

Lean forward far enough, perhaps 10 to 15 degrees forward, where the front portion of your shoulders are aligned directly above your knee caps.

Flex your knees down and forwards about an inch or two so you can lean forward with your upper body but still maintain balance. Stiff knees encourages poor balance when walking.

Ensure your bowling shoulder is level or about one inch below the level of your non-bowling shoulder.

If you have a curve or hook ball delivery, position your bowling shoulder slightly behind your non-bowling shoulder.

Position your bowling ball in front of your bowling shoulder. Ladies can position the ball slightly outside the bowling shoulder so the hip is not in the way on the backswing.

Hold the ball anywhere from knee level to shoulder level elevation from the floor. Most players set up with the ball at or near waist level.

Hold the ball as close to your body as possible in your set-up position so the ball feels as light as possible which will help you avoid starting your swing with tension in your arm muscles.

Your chin should be slightly above shoulder level to establish good balance before taking a step.

Focus your eyes on your sighting target.

These simple tips will help you take a proper bowling stance and ready yourself to bowl.

Making a good approach leads to accurate deliveries. Set-up for bowling success.

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