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Should I worry About My Bowling Ball Rev Rate?, Originally Posted: 1/22/2015; Updated: 7/11/2022

If you are asking should I worry about my bowling ball rev rate, the answer is probably not unless you are committed to understanding and/or improving your delivery style.

Rev rate refers to the number of total revolutions your bowling ball makes from the time it contacts the lane surface until it leaves the pin deck.

A ball can also be actually revving before it contacts the lane as it travels airborne for a short while once you release the ball.

There are successful bowlers using a low rev rate and who bowl with a very modest or small amount of hook. A big hook is not necessary to become a top tier competitive player.

There are, however, successful players using a high rev rate and hook the ball a great deal.

Most bowlers styles fall between low and high rev rate deliveries.

If you are pleased with your average or competitive results and are a low rev bowler, then there is likely no reason to worry or, better yet, change your delivery style just to gain power or a higher rev rate.

Power players with high rev rates do enjoy maximum pin action and a sweeping, hook ball reaction to the pocket but the risk is in a loss of accuracy, missing the sighting target or intended delivery path.

If you fall into the middle ground and are where most competitive bowlers deliver the ball, a medium rev bowler, you will have plenty of opportunities to score well and still retain accuracy.

If you are seeking to upgrade your game, you should likely consult with an experienced bowling instructor before making delivery changes on your own in an attempt to either increase or decrease your rev rate.

The end goal is to attain consistent ball motion so you can make good alignment and adjustment decisions, hit the pocket consistently and give yourself the best chances at success.

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