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Slide, Release, Follow Through, And Hold Your Bowling Form

By:, Originally Posted: 2/25/17; Updated: 1/25/21

If you are a low average bowler looking to improve, understand that the final sequence of your approach must be to slide, release, follow through, and hold your bowling form.

Everything important in a general bowling approach happens at the very end of the approach during the final sliding step.

As you enter your final slide step, your body needs to be in a solid balanced position enabling you to release your ball accurately.

Your release happens as you slide and completes with your hand exiting your bowling ball no later than the tip of the toe on your sliding bowling shoe.

After releasing your bowling ball, you must next complete your full swing cycle by following through toward your target with no deceleration of your swing movement.

Finally, retain good balance by holding your form for a second like posing for a photograph and watch your ball roll over your sight target on the lane.

This important sequence is, of course, set in motion by beginning your approach smoothly and with an athletic posture so you are already in good position to release the ball before you arrive at your final sliding step.

Since a good bowling approach is one fluid movement, visualize making a good approach and an accurate release of the bowling ball while maintaining balance and good form before you step onto the approach to bowl.

This process is commonly known as a pre-shot routine where you plan your movements before taking them.

Slide, release, follow through, and hold your bowling form. The great bowlers do so why not develop a winning technique yourself to improve your scores.

Another very important tip is to keep your eyes sharply focused on your sight target as a method of asking your brain to signal your bowling muscles where you intend to deliver the ball. This tip also implies focusing on your target and allow your forward swing and follow through movements to head in the directional path toward your aim point on the lane. Remember that every delivery you make is not for strikes but rather many are to convert spares. Converting spares requires the same approach mechanics and swing tempo as does a strike delivery. Develop good form and balance and watch your game improve.


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